I think it’s safe to say one’s worldview, though it may have much in common, is not identical with any other and no human on earth has a complete comprehension of reality. Thus all are to some extent delusional (adhering to false beliefs). Even Aristotle’s exhaustively reasoned system is largely superseded. Yet certain ideological groups arrogate as if they have all the answers. It seems humility is the only valid approach.
So if we can’t know all the answers, can we at least know the fundamental ones? In Christ I find the answers I need to validate life and orient volition. Am I under a delusion, a misapprehension? If I take ibuprofen for pain and it helps relieve it, then my faith in ibuprofen was not fallacious. If I place faith in Christ and in Christ I find a meaningful path of life, it seems my faith is not in vain.